
R S Mani

Senior Advisor

The Law Tree has a good layout and format alongside precise and relevant content. Though it is intended to cover every aspect of Law, it is in more than one sense, a very good technical online newsletter. Like a good magazine it is a periodical publication containing articles and illustrations, typically covering every area of legal interest. It covers every aspect of Indian Law and latest developments in a manner that appeals to not only those who are in the legal profession, but also to everyone who deal with some aspect or other of law in the daily life as businessmen, consumers, bankers, accountants etc.

Personally, my favourites are the “Go Figure” and the “Infographic” sections. “Go Figure” is very unique to The Law Tree and presents an analysis of a subject of law as statistics and numbers. “Infographic” is another interesting section presenting facts and information about a particular subject in a graphically.

The Law Tree is intended for a wide spectrum of audience – from legal practitioners to chartered accountants, company secretaries, entrepreneurs and businessmen. While it is extremely challenging to write and present various aspects of Law in a manner that will be appealing and easily understood both by those in the legal profession and layman alike, Law Tree has been able to do this consistently in a very interesting and informative manner for the last 50 issues resulting in the steady increase of readership and circulation.

I wish the team of the Law Tree the best for their future endeavours. I personally wish to see the Law Tree graduate from an online legal newsletter / journal to a leading legal magazine with its creative design layout, format and content.

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The Law Tree is brought to you by A K Mylsamy & Associates LLP

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